Welcome to YB Consultants

YB Consultants offers live and virtual educational sessions for the general public and training sessions for clinical staff in healthcare settings. We offer seminars in the areas of immunization education, health-related topics, and clinical skills enhancement for medical staff. We develop workplace guidelines, policies, and procedures for clinical staff. We provide subject matter and technical expertise to organizations, and we also service healthcare training institutions.

With over 20 years of expertise as a pediatrician, owner of a medical practice, a public health professional, and with access to a variety of exemplary medical management consultants we can help cultivate the skills needed to succeed in a dynamic healthcare environment.

Visit our About Us and Services pages to find out more.

Our introductory session includes a comprehensive consult to identify gaps and opportunities, a comprehensive report that includes a project plan with timelines and milestones. We also offer a suite of quality products that will help you accomplish your goals. That is how we ensure your success.

Do you need a speaker for an upcoming event on a health-related topic?

Are you interested in enhancing your private practice?

Do you need help developing your clinical policies and procedures manuals?

Do you need helping planning for the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine season, COVID-19 vaccine clinics?

If yes, then you need our services!

Schedule a consultation today!